Become an Affiliate
You can now get paid for promoting BohoDrift! We work hard to promote modest and trendy fashion for women of all ages. We want nothing more than for our customers to be happy! We offer quality products that are carefully inspected and packaged. We don’t want to get damaged items and neither do our customers. Nothing takes the delivery excitement away faster than a crappy or damaged product. Boo! So let’s cut to the nitty gritty of becoming our personal affiliate!! You can now earn money for yourself by promoting BohoDrift! What’s easier than using ‘copy and paste’ to transfer our photos and links to your social media accounts?! You will receive 7% on all orders you help generate. Your clients get a 10% discount and you get some moola!! Yep, it’s that easy! Help your clients love what BOHODRIFT is all about.
Currently available to U.S. Residents only and must be age 18 years or older.